12 Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever for Seniors

//12 Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever for Seniors

12 Ways to Avoid Cabin Fever for Seniors

“Cabin fever” doesn’t just relate to the weather. It relates, too, to not being active enough with daily life activities. That’s why staying indoors too long and not getting out into the stream of life makes us restless, dissatisfied or even depressed. Consequently, cabin fever can happen any time in any place when we are not actively living life.

Family caregivers are in a perfect position to help relieve a senior loved one’s cabin fever by scheduling regular excursions that focus on getting out, such as these 1-2 hour local adventures.

  • Drive through favorite neighborhoods, noting points of interest along the way
  • Run errands to a favorite grocery store, drug store, bank, or discount store
  • Visit nearby parks or museums
  • Visit a hobby shop or gardening center
  • Visit a friend or relative who lives in the same town
  • Eat lunch or dinner at a favorite restaurant (make it extra fancy by dressing up once a month for this activity!)
  • Enjoy a delicious treat at a favorite ice cream or milkshake/malt shop
  • Attend a church worship service or fellowship event
  • Shop for a new clothing item at a department store
  • “Window shop” in a mall or quaint historic shopping district
  • Get a manicure/pedicure at a local spa
  • Purchase a gift together for your loved one or for another family member

Any of the above short excursions can bring pleasure to a senior’s day despite his/her ambulatory needs by providing a change of scenery and lively companionship. Weather permitting, they also can occur year round – the amount/type of clothing required should reflect the outdoor temperature.

Pacific Care Center and The Terrace Assisted Living Community encourage our residents to stay actively involved with their family members and friends by enjoying regular excursions outside our facility to avoid cabin fever.
