Benefits of Arts & Crafts for Assisted Living Residents

//Benefits of Arts & Crafts for Assisted Living Residents

Benefits of Arts & Crafts for Assisted Living Residents

Regularly scheduled Arts & Crafts take place in our awesome Activities Room at Pacific Care Center. Here residents can express their creativity while enjoying the many hidden benefits arts & crafts provide.

Psychological and Emotional Benefits
Residents at skilled care centers follow a scheduled daily routine. They are at a time in their lives when others make many decisions for them. Participating in arts & crafts allows residents the freedom to make their own decisions and exercise a sense of choice.

Each project challenges cognitive abilities and concentration. Residents can complete as much or as little of the crafts as they want, without judgment. Some of the finished projects become gifts for families and friends, fostering a sense of pride in what they have created.

Physical Benefits
Engaging in artistic activities like clay sculpting, for instance, is therapeutic for stiffness in hands. Sculpting with Play-Doh® or regular clay also challenges hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

Social Interaction
One of the biggest problems seniors face is a feeling of loneliness and isolation. Many residents look forward to arts & crafts time. Residents gather together in our Activities Room for crafts, but it is also an opportunity for social interaction. Joining in on creative projects along side others keeps their minds busy and helps alleviate boredom.

Other Benefits Include:
• Social interaction
• Nonverbal activity if desired
• Stress and anxiety reduction
• Lighthearted fun
• Focuses attention
• Fosters self-expression
• Improves self-esteem

Some of our more popular crafts:

Sheet Decorating – We lay out a sheet on a table and residents paint their own designs on it. After it is complete, we hang it up for everyone to enjoy.

Flower Pot Designs – Residents paint flower pots, and after the pots dry, residents plant flower seeds in them and accept responsibility for their own pot.

Leaf Art – Weather permitting, we take residents outside and they find leaves. Once back inside we glue them to construction paper and write the type of leaf it is.

Coloring – As simple as it sounds, adult coloring books are popular.

Holiday Crafts – When a holiday approaches, we set up supplies so residents can make crafts for that holiday, whether it is Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, etc.

Our scheduled Arts & Crafts activities at Pacific Care Center provide residents with many benefits, and allows them to have fun on a regular basis! Contact us at 636-271-4222 for more information about our Arts & Crafts program!

You can also read our blog article about the many benefits that Game Therapy provides residents!
